Wednesday, 30 July 2014

10 commandements (for dog owners)

My documentary: what I have learn from my journey with dog, and what I want everyone travelling with their dogs to know:

10 dog owner commandments (when travelling)

1 - Dog is my companion and friend
2 - I am responsible "owner" of my dog, aware of it's needs, not only local rules (muzzle, toilet, leash   walks)
3 - plan your trips beforehand - be aware of restrictions, but also be spontaneous and try. Where is no security checking your every move, you can try, after all, the worst thing that can happen, you will be told "no".
4 - remember to always have more water then just for yourself, and small bowl for your dog
5 - when walking miles in hot weather, especially in towns on hot pavement, understand why your dog might be complaining - pavement might burn his/her feet! remember to take lots of breaks (or buy doggie shoes)
6 - Always have poo bags with you (towns), unless you are in countryside where no one cares. After all, you care what you feed your dog, so it's "natural" waste
7 - enjoy every minute with your dog, every place you go to
8 - try to choose some places where your dog will enjoy to be with you too. When you walk all day in town, find nice park or beach to go to for rest.
- if you are really dying to go to museum to see some art, leave your dog in hotel, but not for all day!!
10 - make this journey memorable, and encourage other dog owners to take their dogs for holidays!

 Enything is possible, when you try !!! 

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