Thursday, 31 July 2014

The Reason

There are 3 reasons why I decided to to realise this project, about travelling with dog and making documentary. Here they are:

1 - I always had passion for travelling

Even as a child, my biggest dream was to travel. Far and exotic. Discover new places, find out how people live on the other side of the Earth. Listen to their native language, try out what kind of food do they eat, what animals live in their land, what are their customs, music, art,  religion; see natures miracles not present in my own country. See mountains, rivers, ocean, breath the air of unknown! My favourite book was Encyclopaedia. I was about 10, maybe 15-teen. I had this game, to open Encyclopaedia on random page, find if there was something about any country, or plant or animal, then follow on: if this was country ; read everything about it: what do they grow, where is it, etc.. If it was plant, where does it grow, what country; if it was animal, where does it live, what country; then I was following a link, and searched that country. If they wrote some more interesting facts, I was following the lead! The game seems endless! My other favourite book was my school atlas of the world with maps. I spent many hours searching for places I read about in Encyclopaedia. I wanted to know where all this exotic countries are. My other game was to imagine going for a journey, so I was marking a point on the map, then another one, and another .. and then read about this places in Encyclopaedia! It was fun! Now - we have internet and access to far more information ;) Also as I grew up, I started travelling ;) At first, in my own country (Poland) and then in the world!

2 - I love dogs

There was few in my life. Before Missouri there was Dred, black, long haired portuguese sheep dog. Found on the street, dirty and hungry, become my best friend for long time. I had him when I was a student. He was coming with me for almost all my workshops at the uni (University of Art). Everyone loved him! We've spent wonderful 5 years together, also travelling in Poland and abroad. Then, after  graduating, I had a bit of a hard time. I was very upset to find out how the art world really works. (I think it was the first adult lesson in my life) - that it's not about how good you are, but who you know. I felt very bitter and decided that I don't to have anything to do with art any more in my life! Also I couldn't imagine finding any work. It was hard time in Poland, and surely no perspective for freshly art graduate, even though I had become master of ceramic art. Without connections I could only count on local job centre, newspaper ads for shop assistant... If I wanted to get a job in any ceramic factory, it would be on production line for basic money with no further perspective. And so I decided to go and try living in different country, improve my english, try different jobs, find new profession. And so I ended up in London, working in couriers industry. And this took to my my 3rd reason. But before I write about it, I need to write about Dred, my dog. As being upset for art world and feeling hopeless, with tear in my eye, I gave him to my friend to look after, in meantime until I will settle up in new country. It was meant to be no more than few months... But it took longer then that. I had very rough start up. When I finally kind of settled up it was over 2 years. And then I asked myself if it isn't too late? I was missing him terribly, t e r r i b l l y !! My heart was squeezing with regret every time I thought about him, about broken promise. I know, most people would say, that he was just a dog. J u s t   a   d o g . But he was much more for me! He was my best friend, and I had abandoned him :(  I was in between regret and resentment. The only thing that kept me stable was that I knew that he was in good hands. My friend's parents had big house with huge garden and his uncle was veterinarian. So he was in good loving hands. I felt I shouldn't keep messing his life, bringing him to massive city.. And so I promised myself that one day I have to something for other dogs and people, so no one will have to face such a decision. Or at least less people. I hope my film will get to be seen and I hope it will keep people and their dogs together.

3 - I had cancer

before, just before op, after treatments, 

One day I was ok, and then not any more. I had symptoms, but like most of the people I wanted to be ok. And my doctors for half year were telling me that I am stressed and overworked, and start pushing me  to take antidepressants and start therapy! I didn't agree to that. And then it came a day, when it become clear, that it's not stress. Or depression. Or my imagination. And then I got diagnose - brain tumour. I thought I was dying! At that stage I couldn't be on my own, as (what I found out later) I had epilepsy caused by growing tumour. Most of the time it were absent seizures, meaning that I didn't know where I was and what was happening around me and to me. Like some one reseted my brain, or switched a plug from computer server. I was banking out and losing feeling on my left side. When it happened for the first time - I thought I was having stroke. Anyway - I decided that: I AM NOT GIVING UP !!! - after all my treatments I realised something. I had amazing people, friends around me! When I had operation, they were waiting for me, and about 10 people greeted me when I opened my eyes :) It was amazing! :) Thank you guys! I LOVE YOU!!! I am lucky to have you around ;)
This experience taught me that my life is important to me and that I am not going to waste it! However time I have. If it's a month, a year, 10 years or 50. Since now on, I want to carry on with getting MY DREAMS to come true. Not only someone else's. I can't say it was always easy. I fought with depression, and my own weaknesses. But I am not going to let my days go with regrets of not following my dreams.
Tomorrow I have following scan. And it's 3 years, since my diagnose. I am fine. I am brave. I have dreams. I love life. I am not alone. I believe in myself.  I am alive and not giving up!

........xxxxx ....

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

10 commandements (for dog owners)

My documentary: what I have learn from my journey with dog, and what I want everyone travelling with their dogs to know:

10 dog owner commandments (when travelling)

1 - Dog is my companion and friend
2 - I am responsible "owner" of my dog, aware of it's needs, not only local rules (muzzle, toilet, leash   walks)
3 - plan your trips beforehand - be aware of restrictions, but also be spontaneous and try. Where is no security checking your every move, you can try, after all, the worst thing that can happen, you will be told "no".
4 - remember to always have more water then just for yourself, and small bowl for your dog
5 - when walking miles in hot weather, especially in towns on hot pavement, understand why your dog might be complaining - pavement might burn his/her feet! remember to take lots of breaks (or buy doggie shoes)
6 - Always have poo bags with you (towns), unless you are in countryside where no one cares. After all, you care what you feed your dog, so it's "natural" waste
7 - enjoy every minute with your dog, every place you go to
8 - try to choose some places where your dog will enjoy to be with you too. When you walk all day in town, find nice park or beach to go to for rest.
- if you are really dying to go to museum to see some art, leave your dog in hotel, but not for all day!!
10 - make this journey memorable, and encourage other dog owners to take their dogs for holidays!

 Enything is possible, when you try !!! 

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


And so we are back to London. Me and my Missouri, the dog.

 It's strange, because when on the way back, and just before, I felt that I miss home. (Or maybe a place I could call home?) Anyway, just after arriving back, I felt strange. Everything around me felt strange. Not mine. Known - but I didn't have a sense of belonging. Even after coming to a flat I called home for last 2 years, it was weird. Rooms, furniture, my stuff.. mine, but not mine. What has changed? They were the same, so it must have been me that changed. It seems that Missouri didn't have this problem. She greeted "her" cat companion and, sniffed  out every corner and lay down under the bed to rest. Me? I wasn't sure what to do with myself! Unpack first? Make some food? Shower? Call friends? .. I thought of making a food first. But what was my surprise when I found a whole tribe (several families) of nasty bugs living squatters life in the kitchen! yuck! Everything needed thorough cleaning...

"surprised cow" - wall mural found in Delft, NL

After I found some time to spend with myself I thought about what I have experienced in last 2 months that were important and left an imprint on me. I could say that it is my travelling experience:

1. I met lots of new interesting people, made some contacts
2. I made new friends
3. I 've learn that I need a place I could call my own home (to come back to)
3. That I still want to travel (for about a year. it has always been my dream) And it's still not too late to do that - now I am thinking of HOW to do do it :)
4. I know what brings me satisfaction. It is to follow my dreams, making things I love doing (like this mosaic in south France) even when it is not for money - as long as there is someone willing to feed me ;)
5. Have freedom of choice when making plans for my own journey (also through life)
6. Understanding my worthiness, feeling good with myself, understanding my needs better,
7. overcoming the lack of confidence, being good enough for myself, not for others. If for them I am not good enough, it's their problem. I need to be in peace with myself.
8. Grow personally and internally to be better person
9. Keep going towards being myself
10. Finding happiness in every little things every day
11. Maintain optimism, faith, strength and courage to go after my dreams and goals, and through every next day with smile on my face
12. Learn more, be more aware

Saturday, 26 July 2014

My work, my project, my dream - Psim Tropem

So here we are. Me and my dog, at the end of our almost 2 moths journey, travelling around Europe. Tomorrow we go back to England. This trip might be finished for now, on the continental Europe, but it will still continue when we go back to UK. As long as I have my wonderful dog Missouri at my side, there will always be something to tell about. New problems to face, new places to see, new people and dogs to meet. 

Stay with me and keep reading this blog, and I promise to keep you entertained! ;)

Today I tried dutch speciality, its a raw herring with chopped onion! I know, it sounds weird, but hey, have you ever eaten sushi? it was very much like that, just in dutch style ;)

Me and my Missouri in Wonderland.. - no, no ;) this lamp is in Delft in Netherlands. This city is well known for it's ceramic tableware and tiles, painted mainly, but not only with cobalt blue

In meantime I have loads of films and pictures to go through, and start editing them. I feel in my bones, that it will takes some big time to get through this, and I am wondering what can I do to find time and energy to finish my project and produce 1 hour film?!
I have different ideas in my head and I keep thinking what would be the best solutions? On one side, I should find work asap, to repair my finance, but I can't get stuck on it. Also it have to be some kind flexible so I could take care of my dog, and time to work on my project, as I want it to be ready for winter, or latest, beginning of next year, and holiday season.

 This is mosaic found in Delft, NL today. How funny; I see a message for me, 1 - a mosaic, something I would love to do for living, and 2. a target - something I have to go for! :)

"There’s no reason why you can’t do what you really want to do, you just have to want to do it"
...found today on internet ;)

Friday, 25 July 2014


Last few days went very quickly, I had interview after an interview. Giving and doing it. First time I gave an interview in my hometown to my local newspaper - they wrote nice story about my project Psim Tropem I am doing now. Later, at the Slow Down Festival I gave an interview to local tv about building a kiln during festival, then on the way to Wroclaw I interviewed a veterinarian, and in Wroclaw, director of Happy Animals Foundation, then the owner of vegan restaurant Vega which accepts all kind of pets; in Warszawa I interviewed press representative of polish train lines Koleje Mazowieckie; and then in Poznan director of Animal Security Foundation...

my official media patrons 

Feels like a lot of talking, but now I have even more precious material for my upcoming documentary;)
I am getting scared a little, when I think of editing it later!! How I am going to get through all of this? And when?? In 2 days I am going back to England. Broke. No money left, as all were consumed by my project (which nonetheless, I am happy for and convinced of it's righteousness. It was my dream, and very important reason - If I am able to save some dogs from being homeless - I won ;) Even if it's gonna be just one. But I hope there will be more!

Also, I hope I am going to save myself too ;) I want to change 9 to 5 life to more relaxed and artsy freelance. I was born with artistic soul, with freedom in my heart and my mind. I am like this bird who stop singing, when locked in a cage. I need to find solution for myself. It might be hard, but hey, I know it's doable!

Every day I am doing an interview with myself, asking if I've learn something new? Sometimes I think, that not much. But I know I feel different. I can't precisely say how, but just different. Will it stay with me when I go back to London? Will I stay strong within myself and carry on with my plans? I am asking myself questions like millions people do: how to do what I love and make a living out of it. And when doing it - do not get bored of it.

Here is my lovely companion Missouri, and behind her - part of amazing mosaic found just round the corner of my hotel in Rotterdam, NL. It's local community project

 I am going to be most happy doing this kind of beautiful things ;)

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Slow Down

After living crazy London life, and after travelling across 6 countries within few weeks, it was nice to go to Slow Down Festival. It was taking place in Poland, in little place called Lubiaz. Festival wasn't as big as I thought it will be, but it was really nice to chill out. I was meant to run ceramic workshops, but instead together with few people we've build a kiln! It was made in very simple way out of the things we could find. Construction for the kiln was made the same way like tipi - indian tent: wooden sticks and branches. This was covered with thick layer of clay mixed with dry straw, and another layer of clay. We had to wait couple of days to dry it up under the sun. Then we made 1st firing to fully dry up and bake the kiln, so it would be more waterproof and to burn out branches from the inside.

Kiln is ready now for first proper firing of ceramics. Now we need to organise workshops;)
Anyone interested??

Slow Down Festival, had good vibe, music and people. Sometimes I think I got old to be on festivals, but on the other hand I never been big fan of them. Too crowdy for me ;) Anyway I did enjoyed this one, because was small;) I went for shiatsu workshops led by shiatsu master Andrzej Turczynowicz. It's the 3rd kind of massage I can do now ;) Amazing thing about the workshops was that my dog could take part in it! She was sneaking in quietly, walked around people, giving wet kisses to some people and lying down sometimes between people, but mainly on the side of the room and snoozing for hours. She was bringing good energy, never disturbing;) I love my dog! Sometimes my friends think she's human in dog's skin :)

I have to say that at first I wasn't happy with organisation of that festival, and actually with the lack of it. But they called it "Slow Down" - do I decided to follow it - and slow down;) 
I think everyone should every now and then slow down and take care of things that are happening around them. To look at them closely from perspective! understand them. Since I started this journey I decided to look at my life from the perspective. Being away from London definitevly helped. I wish some of my London's friends could do that too. Some people I know definitively need perspective. When you are too close, with your nose glued to the window, you see only dirty glass and nothing what's behind. Lots of people I left behind in this city, live their life in this way. I feel sorry for them, but I cannot make decision for them. To some, I tried to help and open their eyes on new perspectives. Some called me stupid, some called me crazy, some called me un-responsible, some didn't want to listen; but some did. Few knew what I felt, understood my needs, because they felt the same. Some of them went already for their journey  and supported me; some start thinking of it. Some people become my inspiration, and I think I became inspiration for others. I hope I could do more - but their life is in their hands

Sometimes I think I love life ;) There were days when I felt down. Days seemed grey and boring. Not worth anything. I am so glad I was able to break up with this feeling. And now - I know I don't want to come back to those people and feeling of depressing feeling! I know this bad feeling might come back, but I want to feel strong to go through it! I hope power will stay with me ;)

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Train travels and different perspectives

photo taken from google pictures library

I've heard bad joke once before in Poland, that life is like a toilet roll - long, grey and for shit. I think some one came to that conclusion years ago during war state, after the communism times in Poland. I was too young to remember and have my true opinion about this. But from what I remember from my youth, is lots of people who lived stagnant lives. No great hopes, no amazing perspectives. That you were given this life to live as it is, that you can't change things, that things are as they are. Full stop. Or maybe this was just an attitude of my closest surroundings, that I perceived in that way. Nonetheless this are my personal feelings. And I think this kind of attitude always made me some kind of angry, and wanted me to be different and change things about my life. I never wanted to agreed to attitude "take what you are given, and be happy with it, because there is nothing better" or that "everyone has it's cross to carry" .. I wanted to runaway from that statements and this depressive way of life. I wanted to believe that there is ME who decides of the fate of my life. And not that has been given to me, decided for me. Of course now - I understand another meaning of the statement - take what are you given and be happy with it - a good meaning ;) But I won't agree with the other part, that there is nothing better..

As they say - you get different perspective from different point of view! I always wanted to believe that things CAN be better, but I knew they won't change on their own. I have to go for it. I didn't always feel happy, but staying too long in a place of stagnancy, with no perspectives for change, made me UN-Happy.
And so I lost my "nazi" corporation job last year because of that (which loosing it actually truly made me happy!) found new nice job after but recently quit to travel now, and to get new perspective and new hopes :)

If you want to ask about that toilet roll digression - well here is the answer:
It used to be only this kind of paper in Poland.  Now it can be found only on the polish trains! And only  if you are lucky! Otherwise there is non ;(

Coming to Poland in the middle of my journey around Europe, brought exactly the same feeling, like it did some 15 years ago, after my first trip abroad - that this country is in some ways like wild east. Not in good way though.

For the last month I've travelled around Europe by the trains. Everywhere trains were clean, most of the time fast, but most important; had air-conditioning, which in such a hot summer like this (over 32C in shade is absolute must) In Poland trains have open windows. And if this is not enough, you can open doors between carriages to get wild drought, (and bad smell from dirty toilets) ;(  My journey from Wroclaw to Jaroslaw (my hometown) lasted almost 12 hours! When I used to study there it was about 8 hours. Now from Wroclaw only to Rzeszow is 9. My train had some electrical issues, and we were delayed. In Rzeszow we had to wait over 1 hour for another late train to get home.
I hope not all over this country is the same! But this particular experience was exactly like this shitty grey toilet roll. Long, and nasty if you have to use it, because there is no other option...

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Solo traveller

Solo woman, but travelling with a dog ;)

We travelled with Missouri for about 11 hours, from south of France Marseille to Nuremberg in Germany. What a trip! and some nice adventures too. I have so much to write:)
So first good thing was that, I couldn't get Missouri a ticket in my first interchange station - Avignon. Reason? I had only 500 euro note and they did not had change. By the time I found a shop that could break it, I had to rush for my next train. At the train, still in good mood from morning good-byes - I smiled nicely to the conductor explaining why I don't have ticket, and he sold me special discounted one, smiling back - eh, it's good to be a woman sometimes, especially if you are flushing red like me ;) I hate it, but sometimes it actually helps ;) 11 hours trip was very tiring so I decided to leave sightseeing for next day.

Next day I made few friends, found nice dog-friendly restaurant called Hans I'm Glück - they serve about 50 types of burgers, half of them vegetarians! (get an interview from one girl employed there, Also as I walk back I heard guy singing about girl walking the streets of London with country voice, so I had to stop and have a chat with him. I said that he sings about me, because I am from London;) As it appears he was from it too! And from Hackney like me (and so he switched his country accent to cockney :) And so I end up buying his CD. He said I can use his music for my movie;)

Nuremberg Old City Center is not too big, and can bee seen in one day with your dog.
I never go to any museums, first able, because they don't let the dogs in (and even if they would, they would be bored to death) and I also am not too big fan of them. So with no regrets I skip them on my travels. Good thing about this is that I save money on entry tickets;) The only annoying thing is, that they not allow dogs in some parks! Why?? I mean, leashed dogs can't make a mess, right? And even if they poo, what is the problem to put some poo dispensers on the entrance? Walking around the Nuremberg I went to see the castle. There was sign that dogs are not allowed, so I decided to go around it to take pictures from different angles from outside. So imagine how surprised I became, when I came across a guy telling me to go! It appeared I got lost and accidentally wandered inside the gardens! - well for me there was not much grass and no flowers... Anyway, I truly said that I am lost. So I have some nice pictures, and new friend from China - who took couple of pictures of me, and become big fan of Missouri. She gets so much attention wherever she goes - unbelievable!

outside the castle

bizzarre Fountain of the Virtues ;)

Lorenzer Kirche

Kunsthaus - mini medieval village, 5 min from train station, full of old traditional shops selling souvenirs and traditional food. And most sellers wear old traditional clothes!

me and Missouri in the Kusthaus

traditional bavarian clothes for sale

typical old buildings

woman-eagle can bee seen everywhere. This one was above police station

Mery Go Round Fountain

Albrecht Durer House

and himself above the entrance

Missouri met medieval dog guarding the entrance of his house ;)

Schonner Brunnen - Beautiful Fountain - detail

famous clock on top of the Frauen Kirche

... :)

But lets get to the point finally ;) The subject of this post is "Solo traveller" . I mention before that I made few friends, but most interesting was at the end of the day. When I came back to the hotel, there was issue with internet connection. Maybe I'm addict, but I really wanted to write this post earlier. I went to the reception hoping that somebody will help me. In meantime I got friendly with a woman working there. She couldn't help with Wi-Fi, but instead we start chatting about travels. She asked for my age, and then said that it means it was not too late for her too; as it happened, we were the same age! She had this unrealised dream about travelling, but which never become real, apart from short trips. She listen to my adventures with interest. I hope she can travel whenever she wants:)
I thought about this today eating solo. I remembered that I was sick of worries when I was leaving for my journey. But now?I am all relaxed and happy with my own company. I remember my friends going solo for similar adventures, and that they too were scared at first. And I also remember my first ever solo trip - I went 3 hours away by train to Krakow for a day. I think I was maybe 20. Old huh? :) But I remember I enjoyed it! I was sitting on the edge of a fountain and watched people passing by. I didn't have to talk to anyone. It felt a bit weird but also interesting this whole thing. I think I forgot about this experience until now. How weird is that as we grow older we fear more things that we shouldn't. I remember people telling me lately that solo travel is not scary. It's opposite. When we are alone we can do what ever we fell doing at the time. There is no one to blame, no one to support us, but at the same we become stronger, and more confident!!!!

yes - th is what I needed. This journey is about self discovery as well as making documentary.
